Impact of Decompressive Craniectomy on Hemorrhagic Transformation in Malignant Ischemic Stroke in Mice.

Le 01 Jan 2023

Auteur : Borha A, Lebrun F, Touzé E, Emery E, Vivien D, Gaberel T

Année : 2023

Journal : Stroke 1524-4628

PubMed Id : 36475467

Endovascular thrombectomy has changed the management of ischemic stroke. The reperfusion can however lead to a hemorrhagic transformation (HT). Decompressive craniectomy (DC) is a surgical procedure used for malignant ischemic stroke. However, its efficacy was demonstrated before the era of endovascular thrombectomy trials. Here, we hypothesized that DC for ischemic stroke after thrombectomy could lead to a higher risk of HT. We thus evaluated this hypothesis in a mouse model of stroke induced by occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCAO) with or without mechanical reperfusion.