Thrombolytic therapy based on lyophilized platelet-derived nanocarriers for ischemic stroke.

Le 01 Fév 2024

Auteur : Migliavacca M, Correa-Paz C, Pérez-Mato M, Bielawski PB, Zhang I, Marie P, Hervella P, Rubio M, Maysinger D, Vivien D, Del Pino P, Pelaz B, Polo E, Campos F

Année : 2024

Journal : J Nanobiotechnology 1477-3155

PubMed Id : 38166940

Intravenous administration of fibrinolytic drugs, such as recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) is the standard treatment of acute thrombotic diseases. However, current fibrinolytics exhibit limited clinical efficacy because of their short plasma half-lives and risk of hemorrhagic transformations. Platelet membrane-based nanocarriers have received increasing attention for ischemic stroke therapies, as they have natural thrombus-targeting activity, can prolong half-life of the fibrinolytic therapy, and reduce side effects. In this study we have gone further in developing platelet-derived nanocarriers (defined as cellsomes) to encapsulate and protect rtPA from degradation. Following lyophilization and characterization, their formulation properties, biocompatibility, therapeutic effect, and risk of hemorrhages were later investigated in a thromboembolic model of stroke in mice.