The impact of meditation on healthy ageing – the current state of knowledge and a roadmap to future directions.

Le 02 Nov 2021

Auteur : Klimecki O, Marchant NL, Lutz A, Poisnel G, Chételat G, Collette F

Année : 2019

Journal : Curr Opin Psychol 2352-2518

PubMed Id : 30798104

There is increasing evidence that meditation-based training promotes healthy ageing across many dimensions. This review summarizes the existing knowledge on the effects of meditation training on healthy ageing in the domains of emotions, cognition (with a special emphasis on attentional processes), and the preservation of related brain structures. Although evidence so far is promising, more rigorous randomized controlled studies with active control groups and long-term follow-up in older people are needed. We outline how these challenges can be addressed in future studies using the example of an ongoing project, Medit-Ageing (public name: Silver Santé Study), including two independent randomized controlled trials (RCT) as well as one cross-sectional study with meditation experts.