Parvalbumin interneuron-derived tissue-type plasminogen activator shapes perineuronal net structure.

Le 01 Nov 2022

Auteur : Lépine M, Douceau S, Devienne G, Prunotto P, Lenoir S, Regnauld C, Pouettre E, Piquet J, Lebouvier L, Hommet Y, Maubert E, Agin V, Lambolez B, Cauli B, Ali C, Vivien D

Année : 2022

Journal : BMC Biol 1741-7007

PubMed Id : 36199089

Perineuronal nets (PNNs) are specialized extracellular matrix structures mainly found around fast-spiking parvalbumin (FS-PV) interneurons. In the adult, their degradation alters FS-PV-driven functions, such as brain plasticity and memory, and altered PNN structures have been found in neurodevelopmental and central nervous system disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, leading to interest in identifying targets able to modify or participate in PNN metabolism. The serine protease tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) plays multifaceted roles in brain pathophysiology. However, its cellular expression profile in the brain remains unclear and a possible role in matrix plasticity through PNN remodeling has never been investigated.