Impact of alcohol consumption on the outcome of ischemic stroke and thrombolysis: role of the hepatic clearance of tissue-type plasminogen activator.

Le 02 Nov 2021

Auteur : Lemarchand E, Gauberti M, Martinez de Lizarrondo S, Villain H, Repessé Y, Montagne A, Vivien D, Ali C, Rubio M

Année : 2015

Journal : Stroke 1524-4628

PubMed Id : 25922513

Tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) is the only acute treatment for ischemic stroke. Unfortunately, the benefit of tPA-driven thrombolysis is not systematic, and understanding the reasons for this is mandatory. The balance between beneficial and detrimental effects of tPA might explain the limited overall efficiency of thrombolysis. Here, we investigated whether this balance could be influenced by excessive alcohol intake.