Cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis of the relationship between Aβ deposition, cortical thickness, and memory in cognitively unimpaired individuals and in Alzheimer disease.

Le 02 Nov 2021

Auteur : Doré V, Villemagne VL, Bourgeat P, Fripp J, Acosta O, Chetélat G, Zhou L, Martins R, Ellis KA, Masters CL, Ames D, Salvado O, Rowe CC

Année : 2013

Journal : JAMA Neurol 2168-6157

PubMed Id : 23712469

β-amyloid (Aβ) deposition is one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer disease. Aβ deposition accelerates gray matter atrophy at early stages of the disease even before objective cognitive impairment is manifested. Identification of at-risk individuals at the presymptomatic stage has become a major research interest because it will allow early therapeutic interventions before irreversible synaptic and neuronal loss occur. We aimed to further characterize the cross-sectional and longitudinal relationship between Aβ deposition, gray matter atrophy, and cognitive impairment.