Clipping Versus Coiling for Ruptured MCA Aneurysms Associated with Intracerebral Hematoma Requiring Surgical Evacuation.

Le 01 Avr 2023

Auteur : Metayer T, Dumot C, Bernard F, Le Reste PJ, Bernat AL, Cebula H, Mallereau CH, Peltier C, le Guerinel C, Vivien D, Piotin M, Emery E, Gillard V, Leclerc A, Magro E, Proust F, Pelissou-Guyotat I, Derrey S, Aldea S, Barbier C, Borha A, Nadin L, Briant AR, Gaberel T

Année : 2023

Journal : Neurocrit Care 1556-0961

PubMed Id : 36991178

Ruptured middle cerebral artery aneurysm (MCAa) can lead to intracerebral hematoma, and surgical evacuation can be performed in these cases. MCAa can be treated by clipping or before by endovascular therapy (EVT). Our objective was to compare the impact on the functional outcome of MCAa in patients with intracerebral hematoma requiring evacuation.